I haven’t always been a fan of cooking or being in the kitchen for that matter.  However, after having a husband and kids it is so very important.  I was introduced to a great company Wildtree about 2 years ago.  I wish I would have known about them when my kids were small.  I have learned how wonderful meal planning is for a busy family.  I save time, money which allows us the ability to do more as a family.  It’s has simplified life that I am not spending a few hours each night in the kitchen preparing dinner, I only have to spend about 20-30 minutes cooking.  I’m not making those last minute quick trips to the store and spending $50 minimum on each visit.  I am sharing a few of dishes I have prepared recently.  I’m updating my website and it seems to always be updating.  I am sharing a link to visit Wildtree and see what they offer.

Below you will see a Baked Salmon using our Scampi Blend, a delicious Taco Salad, Popover Rolls, and a Protein Salad.  The sides served with the salmon are the Spinach and mushroom, mixed grains.



Salmon Baked and Ready  Taco Salad Popovers Power Protein Salad


Salmon Dinner

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