The Economics of Homemade Cards
The average store bought card, Hallmark cards as an example, will cost between $3.99 and 5.99 each.
The cost of a homemade card created at one of my classes is only $2.08
During my class you will make 12 homemade cards, with a total cost of $25.00. If you bought 12 cards it would cost $47.88 (3.99 X 12) PLUS tax, so $50+… over twice as expensive.
What Hallmark cards can’t even begin to claim is the added ‘perceived’ value your friends and family experience when they receive one of your homemade cards, not to mention the fun you had making them yourself!
I hold several card classes every month, with a different theme each time. Come take a card class, its a blast and you will be saving hundreds of dollars each year that you would otherwise spend on store bought cards.
See you soon.
Example Homemade card